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    Free Family Therapy

    Meltzer Counseling can provide up to 12 FREE counseling sessions in our Richardson, TX offices for families with minor children in Dallas and Denton counties and surrounding areas including Dallas, Denton, Mesquite, Garland and Lakewood in-person appointments. Counseling sessions are designed for helping families with short-term child or teen-centered goals.

    FREE parenting skills/support groups for enrolled families.

    To Qualify:

    • There must be a youth 17 or under
    • The Family is not currently under CPS investigation
    • Youth has not been adjudicated of a crime

    Families may refer themselves directly by calling us at 972.638.7199or email

    [email protected] or submit a request at www.meltzercounseling.com and mention the Family Tree program.

    Family Tree Program

    The Family Tree Program provides family counseling at no cost to families in Denton and Dallas Counties. (Administered by Meltzer Counseling PLLC)

    The Family Tree Program generally provides family counseling to families who are experiencing change in life circumstances, school issues, behavioral issues, communication breakdowns, grief, and general family struggles. If your family would benefit from family counseling please contact us at [email protected] or you can submit a request on the website at www.meltzercounseling.com please request the Family Tree Program

    WHY we’re here:

    The Family Tree Program addresses family conflict and everyday struggles while promoting strong families and youth resilience. We believe that parenting can be hard and everyone needs help from time to time, too. We also believe that being a young person has its challenges and can be difficult.

    WHO do we serve?

    • Youth ages 6-17
    • Their caregivers
    • Other family members connected to the youth such as a sibling, parent or caregiver

    What’s the NEED?

    Family Tree’s primary purpose is to serve youth and their families. We often provide guidance and support related to:

    • Depression
    • Bullying
    • Grief/Trauma
    • Attention issues
    • Behavior
    • Anger
    • Anxiety
    • Communication and collaboration within a family
    • Coping with Divorce and Abandonment

    What does FAMILY TREE do?

    We use trained professionals to support families and build on their strengths. Our staff is passionate about helping families, knowledgeable about children & youth, and ready to serve communities.

    We offer counseling with a licensed professional and group-based learning for youth and parents at no cost to families.

    What FAMILY TREE doesn’t do:

    • Complex mental health or behavioral health treatment
    • Long-term/multi-year intervention
    • Focus only on crisis intervention/families in crisis
    • Long-term service support
    • Remove or place children
    • Couples counseling

    Other IMPORTANT THINGS to know:

    • We may not be able to help every family who comes
      through the door because of the complexity of a family’s
      needs, or capacity and resource limitations. We will make every effort to offer appropriate referrals.
    • We mostly work with families, but in some cases we will serve the youth individually. This is because of a particular youth’s
      needs or the level of engagement of the parent.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    1. Free? Yes. Paid for by the State of Texas.
    Is there an income limit to be eligible? No. All income levels are eligible.

    How does my family get started?

    Email us at [email protected] or go to the website at www.meltzercounseling.com and submit a request and let us know you’re requesting the Family Tree program

    You can leave a voicemail at 972.638.719